Q: When is the Buy Back open?

A: We are located at 33377 Western Avenue in Union City, and we are open Tuesday through Saturday, from 9:00am-4:30pm

Q: Can I drop off cardboard?

A: Yes, but there is no CRV for cardboard so we do not pay for it.

Q: What e-waste can I drop off?

A: Televisions, computer monitors and laptops, hard drives, keyboards, mice, printers (not industrial size), phones, copiers, DVD players, fax machines, etc. We do NOT take microwave ovens, BBQ grills, industrial copiers, cameras, air conditioners, propane tanks, etc. You can take these items to Recycle 1234 or a household hazardous waste (HHW) facility (locations are below). For more information, please visit: http://www.stopwaste.org/recycling/residents/household-hazardous-waste/electronics

Q: What do I do with expired medications, medical waste, and used needles?

A: Expired medication should never go into the trash, recycling, compost, or down the drain. Call your local pharmacies to see if they accept old medication. These may include CVS, Walgreens, and Rite Aid. Expired medications can also be taken to a household hazardous waste (HHW) facility (locations are below).. For more information, please visit:


Q: Can I recycle car batteries?

A: Tri-CED does not accept used car batteries as they are considered household hazardous waste (HHW). Please take used car batteries to a HHW facility (locations are below).

For more information: http://www.stopwaste.org/recycling/residents/household-hazardous-waste/batteries

Q: How can I get oil jugs and oil filter bags?

A: Oil jugs and oil filter bags, which are only for used motor oil, are available upon request. Each customer can be given up to two oil jugs and two oil filter bags each week, and they are delivered with their weekly recycling service. Please call our office to request these items!

Local Household Hazardous Waste Facilities:

Fremont HHW
41149 Boyce Rd
Fremont, CA 94538

ACHHW Hayward Facility
2091 West Winton
Hayward, CA 94545

Q: Where can I dispose of my used cooking oil?

A: Cooking oil is considered hazardous waste. It pollutes our waterways and should never be disposed down any drains. Cooking oil can be dropped off at the Household Hazardous Waste Facilities in Alameda County. Hayward’s Household Hazardous Waste Facility is located at 2091 W. Winton Avenue. Fremont’s Household Hazardous Waste Facility is located at 41149 Boyce Rd, Fremont.

Q: What is the proper way to dispose of shredded paper?

A: Shredded paper is small in size and if not kept together will fly everywhere. To ensure your shredded paper gets recycled, please place shredded paper in a paper bag and staple the bag closed. We also allow for you to place the shredded paper into a clear plastic bag. Sorters will be able to see the clear bag and its content and place it in the correct pile. Please do not use colored bags as our sorters will identify it as trash. Hundreds of materials pass down our line each day and sorters do not have time to open each bag and investigate. You can also place your shredded paper in your compost cart. This is only advisable if you have a small amount of shredded paper.

Q: Can Tri-CED pick-up my bulky items such as desks and chairs?

A: Bulky item pick-up is a service offered through your garbage company. If you reside in Hayward, your garbage company is Waste Management. If you reside in Union City, your garbage company is Republic Services.  Please contact them to schedule a bulk waste pick up.

Q: Are plastic bags allowed in the compost (green) cart?

A: No, plastics bags are not allowed in the compost/green cart. The only bags that are allowed are certified compostable bags and paper bags. We will not accept bags claiming to be “made from plants” “plant based” or “biodegradable”. BPI certified compostable bags have been tested to biodegrade in commercial compost facility, even then, it tends to take longer to breakdown compared to a paper bag. We highly suggest you go bagless or use a paper bag for your organic materials.

Q: What does the recycling symbol on a package stand for?

A: The common recycling symbol found on most plastic does not necessarily mean that item is recyclable. The number inside the chasing arrow triangle identifies the type of plastic that container is made from. For instance, plastics labeled #1 are made from PETE (Polyethylene terephthalate) and plastics labeled #2 are made from HDPE (High density polyethylene.) See the link for further explanation. https://www.thebalancesmb.com/what-recycling-symbols-mean-4126251 In Union City and Hayward, the rule of thumb is that we accept rigid plastic containers #1-7 in our recycling cart. This will help you decide whether the plastic you have in your hand can be recycled or not. Styrofoam (# 6) and soft plastics such as plastic bags, saran wrap, and any kind of plastic film are considered garbage. See the Q and A on plastic bags and plastic film for more information.

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